Sharp Shooter
MemoirCyn Carbonemiranda, daughters, growing up, change, distance, grandson, felix, memoir, Ruth Ozeki, Merwin, Dylan Thomas
The Harvest of This Haggard Year
Memoir, Finding Hope, TravelCyn Carbonememoir, travel, daughters, Rebecca Solnit, Adam Tooze, The Atlantic, Edna St- Vincent Millay, getting old, grandmothers
Tuesday Morning
Quite Possibly What It's All About
On My Father's Birthday
Family History, Memoircynthia1960s Long Island, daughters, family, family history, father, memories, Saverio William Carbone, Daddy, Solstice, love, Daddy's thermos
Meanderings About the Daughter and Other Complexities
Memoircynthiadaughters, daughters growing up, Miranda, Mr- Harbor, Oxford, flailing, Mr. Harbor, daughters grow up, travel, trying to make sense, photos
People Being Young
I Would Take You Anywhere, Even Oxnard