While Venus Passed
Strawberry Fields
Finding Hope, MemoircynthiaRyan, my nephew, traumatic brain injury, recovery, rehabilitation, songs, music, Bingo, power of music, memories, family, pop songs, hope, healing
A Few Good Things About Last Week
Finding Hope, Ranch Life, Memoircynthiapoetry, wonder, blessings, ranch life, finding hope, roses, poetry reading, photo gallery, Dan Gerber, Ranch life, gratitude
Hearing the Wren Sing
Saturday's Poem: Optimism
Therefore We Are Saved By Hope
Extreme Sisyphus
The Right Kind of Mail
Memoir, Finding Hope, Family Historycynthiafamily, Rose, niece, Groundhog Day, memoir, art, children, mail
What We Get
Memoir, Finding Hope, Family HistorycynthiaRyan, my nephew, santa ynez valley womens hiking, Cachuma Lake, hikes, memoir, family history, kindness, Figueroa Mountain, recovery, traumatic brain injury