A Day of Awe
Family History, Finding Hope, MemoirCyn Carbonememoir, religion, Judaism, Yom Kippur, my father, my mother, Jeff Greenwald, wisdom, hope, teshuva, T.S. Eliot
I’m Gonna Be A Diamond Someday
Memoir, Finding HopeCyn Carbonememoir, walks, trying, Ted Martinez, friends, fog, wisdom, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, my mother
On My Mother’s Birthday
On Her 100th Birthday: Memories of My Mother
Pass It On: Rambling About Journals and Stumbling on Epiphanies
Memoir, On Writing, Poetry, speech, TeachingCyn CarboneRichard Blanco, Gary Snyder, love, learning, journals, writing, my mother, memories, memoir, memory, William Stafford
She Is Anyway
Fog Light
Nostalgia For A Week Ago