

corrugated sea

gaviota pier


Here I am again already, newly exhilarated by all of this stormy weather and my own renewed good health. So naturally we had to venture out this morning to look at the ocean, and although my snapshots utterly fail to convey the actual awesomeness of the sea in its current mood, I'll post a couple anyway.

Huge waves were breaking, many of them so distant from the shore, it looked as if the whole horizon were lifting upward. There were white caps, and great arcs of sea spray, and mighty swells where usually nothing happens.  

Monte, who is obviously a far more experienced sea watcher than I am, kept exclaiming in wonderment and pointing this way or that, but all I got was the overall impression, which was wild enough.

And when we drove toward the state park we beheld a suddenly stubby Gaviota pier: fifty feet of it had just broken off. Even as we watched, new pieces were falling into the sea.

We're wondering if the boat hoist might go.

So yeah, we're having weather! March has entered with vigor and welcome rain, and that's too bad about the pier, but oh we've needed this rain, and things are looking up.

I even had a surprise package in the mail today. Wonderful chocolate-covered mint patties. Who sent me mints?

What a day!