The Other World In This World

sky shine

It's been a helluva month or two, but as is often the case with difficult times, it's also been instructive...and now things have stabilized to the point where I can back off a bit, at least for the time being, and I am newly aware of the wonderful-ness of an ordinary day such as this one. I am shining with blessings.

You're probably wondering, "What's she on?"



Just being alive.

I've had my head down too long, neglecting my own pursuits, staring too relentlessly at aging and misery and mortality, which of course is always there but need not be contemplated so continuously.

"There is another world, and it is in this one."  So wrote French poet Paul Éluard.

Another world, and I am suddenly in it.

Yesterday I saw three whales going by, not one, but three of 'em, huge and slow, spouting and turning, utterly majestic. I cried.

Even little things seemed auspicious. I was heading into town because I had a package to return at the UPS place, and after watching the whales, I rounded the bend and there was a UPS truck parked by the side of the road.  I just handed my parcel to the guy. No need to drive any further.

As I walked up the driveway, I heard the song of the canyon wren.

And the fragrances of orange, lemon, and macadamia blossoms wafted in the air...and my lilacs, 19th century ladies on the verge of swooning.

My heart is beating thank you thank you thank you.

That's all.