Summer Nights Through Screened Windows


I write too much about people and memories. This morning, in the thick of the oddly tropical weather we've been having, I've decided to take a hiatus from brooding. I shall lazily meander here instead, even while my "daily action" notifications are dinging.One of my favorite things about summer is keeping the screened doors and windows wide open to the night air, and the nocturnal sounds that fill the room. Beneath a layer of cricket song there are all sorts of mysterious rustlings, now and then a soothing hoot of owl, and choruses of up-close coyotes.I even love the long muffled clatter of the train in the distance, with its reassuring evocation of progress and transport, tinged with loneliness and yearning. I didn't hear the train last night, but I saw one earlier in the evening heading northbound into-the-west, and I took the photo above.

What I did hear very clearly in the night, though, was a distinctively robust coyote. As groggy as I was, I made a cell phone recording so I could listen again in the daylight. If this link works, you can have a listen too: Night Songs

Best sound of all, though, was that canyon wren again, at 5 a.m.