More Glimpses



blue pig


NY girls

in the park

Jenny and dog


After a post of only words, here is a post of mostly images, all from New York.

First, Colby and Sandy on the subway. They are both creative types who are doing interesting things in the Big Apple, arty without being full of themselves, hip but not self-consciously so, just a couple of young people taking on life. There is something so tender about the way they find refuge in each other.

Who could resist that pale green building?  I didn't even realize until afterwards that there's someone looking out, but that makes me like the picture even more.I do not know why there is a blue pig in this window, but there you have it.

On a rainy night in Brooklyn, two friends sat in the glow of a street lamp eating pizza.

I have no idea who these women are, and I realize it's not a great photo, but I was struck by their style and NYC confidence, right down to the sexy sandals and candy-red high heels. They just seemed like gals in their prime, still shopping and primping and liking the results.

Then, a couple of kids playing in Prospect Park, exactly as I did with my siblings long ago. Who can say what adventures are being spun and what characters are there with them in the unmapped forest of their imagination? I love how the park has been a backyard for so many generations of children. We also saw some schoolgirls playing jump rope, double Dutch.

That's beautiful Jenny and her sweet dog Winnie.

Finally, a shop window in Brooklyn Heights displaying what appears to be the newest trend...utter nakedness in the face of hard realities.

Maybe a few more tomorrow....