Beauty and The Bees


Several days ago an old oak fell down along the trail to the well, revealing within its hidden core the secret and astonishing activity of a colony of bees. I gingerly took a picture...not too close, but you can still get a sense of it. Check out those honeycomb panels. The little hexagons look as if they were stamped out by a machine. It's nature's own engineering perfection.

I've been noticing that more lately -- the mathematical precision, symmetry of design, and exquisite patterns that appear in nature. Long ago I heard about Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, and I sure could not explain it to you now, but I remember that it left me with a sense that there is an underlying (or over-riding) order and mathematical purity to the world. It's just a nice thought.

I have something else to show you that I think is very cool, but I just realized I am late for an appointment...which might also yield something interesting to tell you about.

Come by again soon.