
Cynitha 1

Cynitha 1

A few minutes after I finished the previous post, Kit sent me the sketch you see here. It is one he had done earlier based on some old photos of me that he already had in his possession. I suppose that gives you an idea how long we've known each other!

So let's face it, this woman, who looks something like a young Emmy Lou Harris, is definitely the one whose image I'd prefer to have been spun from my reality. Who wouldn't?  (Yeah, as opposed to the haggard gal in glasses we met a little earlier.)

Well, it's a prettier picture, if a bit idealized, and Kit encouraged me to post it, and I guess it's part of the documentation of the artistic there it is.

Who knows? The portrait that ends up in Kit's grandmother's frame may turn out to be someone so fragmented and Picasso-esque that it resembles no one's facade, but perhaps a state of mind.

Which somehow brings me right back to this quote from Wallace Stevens that I came upon this morning and was thinking about all day: Reality is not what it is. It consists of the many realities which it can be made into.

In a way, I find this comforting. And in a way, I find it daunting.