Keeping Faith
Optimism in a Time of Doom
Memoir, Finding Hope, Poetry, Ranch Life, Small PleasuresCyn Carboneoptimism, Jack Gilbert, Mark Haunfelner, Brief for the Defense, ranch life, anxiety, wisdom, joy
Star Train
Memoir, Friends, Finding Hope, Ranch LifeCyn Carbonewalks, friends, pandemic, sky watcher, wisdom, Dalai Lama, hope, ranch life, memoir
America the Stranger
Memoir, Finding Hope, Ranch Life, Quarantine DiaryCyn Carbonegrief, Joan Sutherland, friends, Rosh Hashanah, hope, coping, loss, nature
First Street
Memoir, Family History, Finding Hope, Quarantine DiaryCyn Carbonebrooklyn, my father, family history, dreams, quarantine diary, pendemic, hope, political commentary
That Old Habit
Small Things