Searching for Wisdom With Time Out for Orange Juice
Commentary, Finding Hope, Friends, Memoircynthiacoping, David Bowie, friends, life wisdom, mortality, ranch life, walks, Paul Kalanithi, oranges
Our Rashomon...And A Child's Touching Faith
The Holidays
That Little Flame That Tells You Who You Are
Finding Hope, Memoir, On Writing, Ranch Lifecynthiacoping, oral history, Patti Smith, Pinocchio, walks, graduation, October, moving on
Death...And Living
Commentary, Finding Hope, Friends, Memoircynthiabereavement, coping, death, elderly parents, life & death, life lessons, loss, Oliver Sacks, grief, Esther Carbone, living and dying
The Shoreline of the Invisible
Memoir, Finding Hopecynthiabaking bread, John O'Donohue, Jeanne, friends, mother, loss, dreams, memoir, my mother, wanting more, strange to be here
Looking Outside
Commentary, Finding Hope, Naturecynthiahope, commentary, President Obama, health care, gun control, home, rainbows, wonder, nature, planets, gratitude
Through A Portal