Just a Hopeful Sign
Finding Hope, Memoircynthiamemoir, friends, safety, getting lost, dreams, Andy, home, security, Monte, Los Angeles
An October Not Quite Over
Taking My Own Advice
Life Support
Memoir, Finding Hope, Family Historycynthiafamily, coping, tragedy, life, my nephew, writing, learning, Dan, Ryan, my sister
Hello From The Dark Woods
Memoir, Friends, Finding HopecynthiaHolly Mae, music, songs, worry, dark woods, Cornelia, Mr. Harbor, bike ride, Margaret, Gaviota, nature, Gaviota Peak, hikes, England, letters
One Woman's Quiet Work
Doesn't Take Much
Memoir, Family History, Finding Hopecynthiamy mother, Esther Carbone, a letter, comfort, love, missing her, mail, a note, penmanship
Saturday's Poem: Although the Wind...