The Wrench In The Snow by Assunta Marlene Esterly
In Which We Weave A Beautiful Myth...And Make It True
After The Genie
Commentary, Finding Hope, MemoircynthiaRobin Williams, suicide, depression, wisdom, loss, family history, coping, comfort, grief, cultural icon
The Future
My Cali-versary
Probability: Zero
Books and publications, Finding Hope, Memoir, Nature, On Writing, Ranch Life, Small Pleasurescynthiatreebeard, probability, implausibility, Book Loft, writing, books and publications, reading, Marc Kummel
A Great Soul Passes
Commentary, Finding Hope, PoetrycynthiaNelson Mandela, Invictus, poem, tribute, William Ernest Henley, courage, greatness, history, inspiration
Saturday's Poem: How to Regain Our Soul