Notes From A Broken Place
Finding Hope, Memoir, CommentaryCyn Carboneelection, memoir, Rebecca Solnit, William Stafford, Kit Cossart, EB White, Barbara Kingsolver, grief, hope
What Thou Must Leave Ere Long
Authentic Intelligence
Commentary, Memoir, Finding HopeCyn Carbonecommentary, gratitude, Rebecca Solnit, Stanley Kunitz, Jack Gilbert, Nick Cave, reflections, hope, current events, Thanksgiving, Jane Hirshfield, Walt Whitman, Louise Erdich, On Being
Eddie’s Birthday
Raining Down On Us
The Last Thing to Go
Memoir, Friends, CommentaryCyn Carbonepolitics, Supreme Court, America, hope, freedom, political commentary, democracy, trying to make sense
Bon Courage
Memoir, Friends, Finding Hope, CommentaryCyn CarboneRodin, Rilke, community, Dan Gerber, commentary, David Pell, Roe v Wade, politics, wisdom, words
Friends, Memoir, CommentaryCyn Carbonewalk, memoir, Mary Oliver, William Kittredge, Dan Gerber, friends, hope, Ukraine, environment
So Many Selves, So Many Sensuous Worlds
Memoir, Friends, Commentary, Poetry, Ranch LifeCyn Carbonefire, Ranch life, home, friendship, California, wisdom, Wallace Stevens, Dan Gerber